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For those that love crafting none GW2 related

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Susie Highlander
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Re: For those that love crafting none GW2 related

Post by Susie Highlander »

Here is some of the other eyes I made
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Re: For those that love crafting none GW2 related

Post by Susie Highlander »

Ricardo wrote: Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:32 pm Looks really cool. I bet with the concept you could make like a pendent or something just as simple.
I am going to do something a little different then hers and put in the Celtic knott bracelet for the bottom Eye lid.
Also as I said these eyes are much bigger then hers and used a tomatoe can lid and cut it to the size I wanted and used the ribs that a up on the lid and was big enough to hold the Eye in it. It will be close to what she has in that video only I am going to make a few changes here and there I hope when I am done that it will be just as pretty or better then how she is doing it.
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Re: For those that love crafting none GW2 related

Post by Susie Highlander »

swiftstart wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:01 am those look awesome :D
i like the bottom one best myself- but i like how the darker outer rim makes it 'pop'
Here is how she did hers :) I did mine a little different and put sparkles nail polish on mine and wanted to see other colors so Mark took me out and we got over 40 different shades of colors all but yellow because for some reason this town dont sell yellow nail polish go figure so when I am in the city again I will get 3 new nail polishes including a few more black. You use a lot of black to make the Dragon Eyes.

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Re: For those that love crafting none GW2 related

Post by Susie Highlander »

Ok this is what I have done so far as you know I have to redo the eye lashes I finally did it I had to snip off an eye lash to make things tight but it is working. Mine will be different then the video she showed I want to put in the Celtic knot bracelet with this one so it actually has the Highlander touch to it :). It will be one I will do seperately and add it on instead of trying to fiddle with it on the bracelet itself then again I may just do it to see if it will work with me if not I will just let it be and do it so it blends into the eye.
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Re: For those that love crafting none GW2 related

Post by Susie Highlander »

Ok your probably wondering what color my dragon is for my Dragon Eye so I picked a black oil color witch brings out the blue and purple in the eye and yes the main skin is and will be white. How ever this is what I have done today I will be doing one part of the Eye each day so hope I will be done in 3 or 4 days how ever I have to wait till Mark is off work to help me with the Celtic knot need him to hold while I do the knot and beads.

Here is what I have done so far today :)
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Re: For those that love crafting none GW2 related

Post by Susie Highlander »

Well I have the bottom lid now :) trying to get this done now wires poking every where need to make things safe in here now.

Lol no I am not done yet and after I do this bracelet I am done took me 4 trys to get the wire right and even at that my 26 gauge kept tangling up I am so not going to use the 26 gauge wire again. so if you want to try this Bracelet I will send you the 26 gauge wire I have 2 packs left just remember it is very hard to work with.
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Re: For those that love crafting none GW2 related

Post by Susie Highlander »

I will have to do this in 3 sections but this is not the final stage I still have to make the Celtic bracelet and attach it to the top Eye lid but this is all the wire I have used so far no more wires sticking out any more :)
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Susie Highlander
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Re: For those that love crafting none GW2 related

Post by Susie Highlander »

First one was the right side
This one is the left side
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Susie Highlander
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Re: For those that love crafting none GW2 related

Post by Susie Highlander »

This is the front of course.
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Re: For those that love crafting none GW2 related

Post by Susie Highlander »

So you know what I am talking about by the Celtic braid bracelet this is what I will be adding to the top Eye lid when I am done making the bracelet I will post the picture along with MY Dragon's story along with the Celtic name for her and yes this is a girl dragon bracelet.

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